Share Your Story

Are you a former foster youth? Were you raised by a relative? Are you raising someone else’s child? Whatever your situation, you are not alone. Sharing your personal story can inspire strength and resilience in children with similar experiences, and it can also inspire action in people with the ability to make changes on behalf of kids.

The Kids Matter Pledge

We promise that we will always share your photo or quotes in a positive way to inspire others. We promise to protect your privacy and never share or sell your information. We will only use your first name. If you ever have concerns with how your image is being used, please let us know.

Submission Guidelines

  • Please submit your story using the form below.
  • Do not include personally identifiable information of yourself or others. Please do not include names, images or in-depth descriptions of others. This includes lawyers, social workers, and judges.
  • Submissions that contain malicious, threatening, illegal, graphic, abusive, offensive or otherwise inappropriate content will not be used.
  • Posts that contain inaccurate or malicious attacks related to any person, entity, or organization will not be used.
  • Kids Matter may choose to decline to share a story for any reason.

Share Your Story

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