Presenting Our Very First Group of Honorees

Kids Matter Inc. was thrilled to present Presidential Volunteer Service Awards (PVSA) to 24 of our exceptional Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers. 

Each year, the PVSA acknowledges the outstanding dedication, service, and commitment of volunteers who have selflessly given an incredible amount of their time to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. This prestigious award is granted to those who complete a certain number of service hours within a 12-month period.

Our first-ever group of award recipients is united by their commitment to changing children’s stories. They consistently demonstrate compassion and perseverance, inspiring positive change through their unwavering support of foster and kinship youth.

Award recipients who received their certificates at the CASA Holiday Social
Paula Wheeler, Bridget Mroczkowski, and Simon Dao at the 2024 CASA Holiday Social

Here are the recipients of the award, which was presented for their service in 2023:

(100–249 hours of service/year)


(4,000+ hours of service in a lifetime)

Special congratulations go to our own Jim Hahn, who earned the Lifetime Achievement Award for more than 7,000 hours of service with Points of Light and Kids Matter CASA.

*Click the volunteer’s name to learn more!


Our volunteers accepted their awards at the Kids Matter CASA Holiday Social at the Mitchell Park Domes on December 10, 2024. Executive Director Susan Conwell attended the event and honored each of the volunteers for their remarkable service.

"Our volunteers are not just helpers — they are advocates, champions, and sources of hope. They've seen challenges most would shy away from, yet they've persevered. They've kept siblings together through adoption, taught kids to read, and walked alongside children for years making sure they are safe, giving hope, and ensuring that youth have opportunities to grow and thrive. They go above and beyond, time and again, not for recognition, but because they believe in the importance of always being there for the children they serve. They change lives."

Kids Matter CASA is a Certifying Organization for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. We completed a rigorous process to be certified to give the award to our volunteers, who must apply and be approved each year. For more information about our CASA program and how you can become a volunteer, please visit details about the PVSA, visit